Socialized Production of Township Administrative Information:A Case Study of Three Land Surveys
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Township administration always involves the production and utilization of information. The communication structure composed of local society,
township governments and external organizations is highly consistent with the
chain of administration information flow. By investigating three land surveys in
Dianzi Town, this paper tries to understand the township administration and lo?
cal society from the perspective of“socialized information production”. During
producing the“upward information”, the township governments hide certain information for local interests, and the information is highly distorted. During producing the“horizontal information”, the township government tries to reconcile the local interests and external demands, and the information is moderately distorted. While producing the“downward information”, the township government takes the initiative to clarify the information, and the information is less distorted and closer to the reality. The social distance of communication between the subjects will affect information distortion, and the external pressure will moderate the level of information distortion.