ISSN 2095-5154 CN 10-1098/C

20 January 2025, Volume 13 Issue 1

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  • 社会学评论. 2025, 13(1): 5-27.
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  • 社会学评论. 2025, 13(1): 28-52.
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    Based on in-depth interviews and participatory observations with government departments across the country, this article takes the national integrated government service platform as an example to analyze the various links involved in its operation, including“information”,“coordination”,“supervision”, and“management”, revealing the changes brought by the platform organization to the national governance function. The platform organization enables the central government, which relied on local information in the past, to directly engage in dialogue with the public. Grassroots governments have transformed into“borrowing channels”and “demanding data”, reshaping the relationship between the central and local governments in the demand response process. The state has transformed the task of identifying and responding to social needs into a shared task for the government, platform enterprises, and the public through platform organizations, thereby connecting the“social synapse”with the“national center”,promoting resource sharing, and revitalizing unity. The internal and external supervision and evaluation formed around the platform organization not only allows the country to“see”society, but also enables the public to“see”the country more clearly. In the above process, the platform organization operates around the goal of“precision”,which has also become the main characteristic of platform organization operation management. This feature, along with the tension between local governance capacity and public demand, also constitutes a significant issue.
  • 社会学评论. 2025, 13(1): 53-75.
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    The separation of officials and mandarins is an important personnel management system in ancient China. This system not only involves the division of labor between officials and mandarins in the administrative field but also affects the stratification of the two in the social and moral spheres. The existing functionalist sociology framework is insufficient to explain the uniqueness of the division of officials and mandarins. The study starts from the basic Confucian view that “emphasizes principles over tools (zhongqi qingdao)”and understands the political and moral exclusion of officials in traditional societies, explaining the increasing division between officials and mandarins. However, scholar-bureaucrats who believed that“a gentleman is not an implement (junzi buqi)”in their administrative routine highly relied on officials with professional skills and local knowledge. Hence, such separation of discourse and practice reflects the tension between Confucian moral concepts and rational administration. Based on this, the article proposes the proposition of“the Confucianization of bureaucracy”, emphasizing that Confucianism shaped the moral characteristics of the traditional bureaucracy that were different from the rational bureaucracy and ultimately influenced the direction of traditional state governance.
  • 社会学评论. 2025, 13(1): 76-99.
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    Neo-institutionalists argue that the extent to which nation-states are integrated into the‘world society’through institutional diffusion plays a crucial role in explaining cross-national variation in scientific achievements. However, existing studies fail to distinguish between scientific institutional isomorphism and actual scientific outcomes. This conflation has hindered the development of theoretical frameworks, overlooking factors that might confound or moderate the impact of institutional diffusion on actual scientific progress. This paper introduces state capacity as a key variable to refine the existing explanatory models. Using cross-national data, the study applies a mixed-effects model for empirical analysis. The findings suggest that state capacity acts as a confounding variable, leading to an overestimation of the effect of institutional diffusion when it is not properly ac⁃ counted for. The explanatory power of state capacity far exceeds that of institutional diffusion. While stronger state capacity may enhance the positive effects of integration into the world society, this interaction effect does not reach statistical significance. This study revisits prior research and provides a fresh perspective on the neo-institutional framework for scientific progress. It also addresses the shortage of macro-level quantitative cross-national studies in recent literature of neo-in⁃ stitutionalism and the sociology of science.
  • 社会学评论. 2025, 13(1): 100-118.
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    This paper explores the significance of“methodological discomfort”in social science research and its potential to foster academic innovation. It begins by analyzing the evolution of the concept of discomfort, arguing that it is not merely an emotional response to academic challenges but also serves as a methodology that facilitates research breakthroughs. By examining the conflicts between the humanities and sciences, the paper emphasizes the necessity of using discomfort to return to the“social”aspect of social sciences. It argues that researchers should confront the complexity of research realities, reintroduce value⁃related attitudes and adopt a macro⁃level perspective in their studies. Finally, drawing on the theory of “creative destruction”, the paper suggests that researchers should exploit discomfort by identifying anomalies, embracing technological innovation and exploring the possibilities of paradigm integration. This approach aims to push social science research beyond its“comfort zone”, thereby fostering dynamic growth and progress.
  • 社会学评论. 2025, 13(1): 119-144.
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    Fertility is an issue to which Durkheim attached great importance, while the academia of neither demography nor Durkheimian study has paid enough attention to it. This article sorts out Durkheim’s discourse on the issue of fertility systematically and finds his unique perspective regarding fertility as a moral phenomenon, which is replete with Durkheim’s concern for rebuilding social solidarity and moral order. For the problems of low fertility and out-of-wedlock fertility, he rejects the utilitarian approach and stresses that the explanations of low fertility should resort to moral factors, the most important of which is the rise of individualism, and that out-of-wedlock fertility derives from sexual anomie, which has to be corrected through the reconstruction of marital and sexual norms. Exploring Durkheim’s discourse on fertility helps deepen knowledge of his social thoughts, provides another perspective for the construction of demographic theory and also brings illumination to understanding the demographic situation in today’s China.
  • 社会学评论. 2025, 13(1): 145-171.
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    China’s current governance goal of“equalizing basic public health services”relies on the input of substantial project funds, and the efficiency of their use is related to the organizational structure of the rural bureaucracy. Through a case comparison of two counties,this paper analyses how the different patterns of relationship between township-level and village-level health institutions affect policy implementation. The two models are constructed as“project-based linkage”and “quasi-bureaucratization”. The former is localized but malfunctions due to the uncontrollability of policy implementers. The latter is subject to the policy orientation of rural health system integration; still, it can only reduce services to administration due to the concentration of resources, failing to respond to the public. This paper adopts the historical view of institutional transformation, examines the effects and limits of bureaucratization as a historical strategy, and suggests that health system reform will not be“once and for all”,even under the trend of rationalizing grassroots governance. 
  • 社会学评论. 2025, 13(1): 172-194.
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     The basic research topic of rural revitalization is how the external intervention force, through social mobilization, generates governance energy in rural society and gradually converges into a rural governance community. This article proposes an analytical framework of“differential mobilization”,which intends to characterize the theoretical and practical logic of the transformation of state intervention forces from external to internal and the reproduction of rural endogenous forces from internal to external in China’s social mobilization. Its core meaning is that external intervention forces promote the transformation of governance logic from one based on the generation of rural social community emotion by capable individuals to one by institutions in local contexts. The former is the local embedding by external intervention forces, which injects mobilization will into key persons and pushes outward through critical mass and gradually extends to radiating groups and then expanding groups, that is, from emotion, interest, reason to meaning (primary stage). The latter is the re-engineering of rural social community emotion by external intervention forces in the construction of institutional contexts, relying on mechanisms of interest expression and incentives, meaning perception, and emotional reproduction, that is, from reason, interest, emotion to meaning (advanced stage), to activate the endogenous driving force of rural social development.
  • 社会学评论. 2025, 13(1): 195-218.
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    The current discussion of “bullshit jobs” highlights the importance of research on“calling”.Calling aims to realize self-worth and altruism through work. From the perspective of structuration theory, based on a sample survey of Chinese urban residents, this paper explores how individuals change their calling through resource crafting and rule crafting under structural constraints. The results show that: On the one hand, there are significant differences in calling between occupational categories. Unskilled workers have a lower sense of calling, and the inherent work style of a occupation influences the sense of calling. People with low job income have a lower sense of calling. On the other hand, overeducated individuals have the characteristics of high efficiency and prosocial tendency, so they are more likely to actively craft jobs so as to enhance the sense of calling, The positive social impact of high-calling groups also helps to enhance the sense of calling of others. This article concludes that even if they encounter meaningless mundane work, they can still deeply cultivate their occupation to improve their chances, actively craft their jobs, and enhance their calling.
  • 社会学评论. 2025, 13(1): 219-240.
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    The continuous transformation of digital technology has profoundly impacted on labor employment. Will this bring about changes in public attitudes towards welfare? This article is based on CSS data to test the impact and mechanism of digital occupational substitution risk on welfare attitudes. This research has found that, firstly, as the probability of digital occupational substitution increases, it increases workers’preference for government welfare responsibilities, increases their expectations for social security levels, and reduces their satisfaction with social security. Secondly, the risk of digital occupational substitution has an impact on welfare attitudes by increasing workers’expectations of unemployment risk and reducing their expectations of economic status. Thirdly, the impact of digital occupational substitution risk on welfare attitudes is heterogeneous among different economic and social status groups and employment types. Research suggests that social policy reform should focus on the welfare attitudes of workers in the digital age, and the government should strengthen risk management of social security, and increase investment in human capital.
  • 社会学评论. 2025, 13(1): 241-256.
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     This paper focuses on the labor processes of the workers on the food delivery and ridehailing platforms, and explores the formation mechanism of the platform labor time paradox. The findings reveal that platforms primarily extend workers’labor time through three mechanisms: performance evaluation, the unpaid and leisure-time utilization for management and training activities, and embedded incentive systems. On the one hand, platforms directly evaluate workers through platform rules and delegate monitoring and management tasks to third-party agencies. To meet these evaluations and regulatory requirements, platform workers are compelled to extend their online working hours and use their rest time for additional labor. On the other hand, platforms integrate incentive systems into the evaluation and reward-punishment frameworks, as well as order-dispatching algorithms, thereby stretching the flexible boundaries of workers’ ability to adjust their work schedules. Although the mechanisms for control⁃ ling labor time vary across different types of platforms, a commonality is that under platform control, workers cannot truly achieve flexibility during working hours or freedom after clocking out. Logging off does not equate to ending work.