ISSN 2095-5154 CN 10-1098/C

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  • . 2018, 6(6): 72-84.
    This paper bases its analysis on the Bernard Conference known as the beginning of the famous feminists’ sex war in 1980s. Surrounding the themes on pornography, lesbian TP roles and S/M issue, the debates under the “pleasure and danger” theoretical framework divided US feminists into two strands: sex radical feminists and anti-porn feminists who are also known as dominance feminism. The significance and influence of sex war has been lasted for more than 30 years, and dominance feminists are still active in sexual politics on issues such as sexual harassment within and beyond US context. The tracing back to 80s sex war and following feminists’ debates on sex issues in US is expected to give insights to better understand what are happening in current mainland China. Thinking sex in Chinese contexts and proposing efforts toward alternative sexuality discourses and statements rooted in local historical, cultural and social worlds are crucial yet challenging.
  • Original Paper
    Sociological Review of China. 2015, 3(04): 30-43.
  • . 2019, 7(2): 55-69.
    Gender role attitudes are about how a person identifies oneself with regard to rights and roles linked to gender in family and market, and also reflect the gender equality in society from another dimension. Using data from “2010 Chinese General Social Survey”(CGSS2010), we estimated associations of socioeconomic status (SES), gender inequality and gender role attitudes. Results suggest that gender role attitudes were significantly related to people’s social positions: The higher were people’s SES, the more liberal were their gender role attitudes. The associations of SES and gender role attitudes changed among women and men: the positive effect of the socioeconomic status on women’s gender role attitudes was stronger. Women with higher SES demonstrated greater modern trends in gender role attitudes than did men with the similar social positions. The effect of gender inequality among couples on change in gender role attitudes were also different between women and men. Women’s gender role attitudes were positively associated to their relative education and earnings, but men’s attitudes are not affected by their relative resource among couples: the more relative education women have, the more they expressed equal gender role attitudes; the more relative earnings women have, the more they hold nontraditional gender role attitudes, however, when women’s relative earnings rised at some point, their gender role attitudes reversed to be more traditional.
  • Original Paper
    Sociological Review of China. 2015, 3(04): 3-18.
    社会科学自其诞生以来在思维逻辑和研究方法上一直受到自然科学的思维逻辑和方法的影响。本文指出社会科学和自然科学在逻辑和方法上八个方面的重要区别,并提出这些区别的本源就是人的特性, 即人是又有本能,又讲策略,又会运用意识形态和价值来论证自己行为正确性的动物。 本文强调对社会科学与自然科学这些区别的忽视是西方社会科学长期以来徘徊不前、步入误区的根本原因。
  • Sociological Review of China. 2017, 5(1): 9-22.
    The paper reviews the studies on Chinese middle class since the 21st century. The author points out that the basic issues of both Western and domestic studies on the middle class come from Marx’s middle class theory, including class structure, class formation and social function. However, the existing studies have many controversies on these three aspects due to different theoretical background and empirical materials. And the author stresses that the researchers in the future should pay more attention to the development of the middle class during past decades as well as comparative study of these three aspects based on a unified class framework and rich survey data.
  • Ying WU
    社会学评论. 2019, 7(6): 82-95.
    Since 1949, China’s urbanization rate has risen rapidly, and urban-rural relations have also undergone historic changes. Under the government-led urbanization model, the urbanization course actually reflects the functional orientation of cities and villages in different periods in the progress of promoting socialist modernization, as well as different development ideas and strategies on urban-rural relations. Based on the characteristics of four stages of urbanization in the past 70 years, this paper argues that the urban-rural relationship actually shifts from the stage of industrialization as the core to the stage that elements one-way flow from the township to the city, and now enters the stage of urban and rural integration. This study claims that experience of urbanization and the adjustment of urban-rural relations mean that China not only explores a road of urbanization with Chinese characteristics, but also provides a useful model for how socialist cities can be built.
  • 社会学评论. 2018, 6(5): 13-27.
    As a unique landscape of the vigorous development of China’s network society in recent years, the phenomenon of internet celebrity popularity has not only witnessed the dramatic changes in the fate of individuals, but also embodied a powerful economic and social forces. Based on Castell’s “network society” theory, taking the perspective of tech-social mutually construction, this paper makes a historical comparative study on the characteristics, logic mechanism and consequence of the internet celebrity popularity. The article finds that the social media and users population structure are the important factors in shaping the expression, group characteristics and basic attributes that affect the internet celebrity popularity. The fact that the social structure of social interaction is generated by the phased network society through three different types of logical mechanism: public square effect of virtual space, the social interaction mode by online community and the capital market intervention. The consequence of the popularity of the internet celebrity has undergone a transitional evolution from the cultural and social fields to the economic fields, and turned out the Wanghong economy model in process of Internet economy flourishing. The popularity of the internet celebrity provides a vivid sample for understanding the formation mechanism and development of China's network society.
  • 社会学评论. 2019, 7(6): 49-67.
  • Tian Lin-nan
    社会学评论. 2022, 10(2): 88-103.
    There are two theories of emotional/affective labor, one is Hochschild’s emotional labor(EL), and the other is Hardt and Negri’s affective labor (AL). Although there is a clear theoretical connection between them, sociology has not paid the necessary attention to the latter for a long time. EL is concerned with“the social basis of emotion and its commercial application in post-industrial societies”from the perspective of the sociology of emotion. In contrast, AL is concerned with“labor paradigms and bio- politics in post- industrial societies” from the perspective of autonomist Marxism. However, in empirical research,they overlap completely in terms of the subjects studied. This paper argues that the element of“affect”in AL should be restored and highlighted, so as to delineate each application’s scope, and make the necessary theoretical integration.
  • 社会学评论. 2022, 10(3): 102-0.
    With the widespread penetration of mobile Internet, online social mentality is not only an indispensable part of social mentality study, but also an important window to the understanding of the Chinese cyber-society. Based on a systematic review of the extant literature, this article contends that online social mentality manifests four key features of community specificity, extremity, fluidity and network-embeddedness, and proposes a theoretical conception of online social mentality as a relational, locally inter-subjective and relatively fluid socio-cultural phenomenon. This conception indicates that empirical studies should be conducted inductively, with typology analysis and discourse analysis being the most useful analytical approaches, and that community-based social mentalities, the polarization of social mentality and the emerging process of social mentality are three significant topics in online social mentality studies.
  • ZHAO Dingxin
    This article is a response to Professor Li Lianjiang’s criticism of my earlier article entitled “Differences between the Natural and Social Sciences and Their Implications for Social Science Research.” It discusses the relationship between the concept of “rightful resistance” developed by Professor Li and the concept of “everyday resistance” proposed by James Scott, and explains why everyday resistance is a successful concept, but rightful resistance is not. More generally, I argue that the value of an interpretative concept lies in its capacity to deconstruct rather than to construct. Put differently, a successful interpretive concept should highlight previously neglected aspects of social life, rather than delineate the pattern of activities of a category of people that has a very complicated nature.
  • . 2019, 7(2): 15-25.
    Abstract: In the international comparison study of the social mobility, Erikson and Goldthorpe’s class categories (EGP) is commonly used in the social class classification. How to convert Chinese standard occupational classification directly to social class classification standard of international comparison, which is a very complicated question. The recent domestic research has no clear discussion about it. To deal with it, this study based on combing EGP pattern carefully and combined the method of Ganzeboom and Treiman, Puts forward the specific conversion principle and the conversion program (two forms of SPSS and STATA). This work not only provides an important method support for later researchers, but also benefit to grasp the position of Chinese social mobility model in the international world.
  • Sociological Review of China. 2016, 4(6): 28-42.
    Formal theories have been broadly used in social science. Especially, the whole Micro-economics is a typical application, while in sociology are quite few. Fortunately, Mark Grannovetter's threshold models seem regarded as a paragon. Owing to the scarcity of formal theories in Sociology, We will focus on the establishment and extension of threshold models in order to explore the approaches to formal sociology. First, we will illustrate the formalization and mathematical analysis of the simple threshold model, and explain the logic of theory accumulations in two complex ones; secondly, the comparison between the development of Micro-economics and threshold models will help us generalize the special characteristics of formal theories in Sociology.
  • WANG Jian-min
    Sociological Review of China. 2016, 4(6): 3-19.
    It is necessary to go back to the original context of Cha-xu-ge-ju and Xiang-tu-zhong-guo to understand the classical concept “Cha-xu-ge-ju” put forward by Fei Xiaotong. On one hand, to understand “selfishness” (Si), the relationship of Cha-Xu-ge-ju and we-relation-based egocentrism (Zi-wo-zhu-yi) should be concerned with. Cha-Xu-ge-ju” is the fundamental social structure of Chinese society, behind which is the thinking structure, we-relation-based egocentrism. We can discuss about the main aspects of we-relation-based egocentrism clearly by contrast with individualism. On the other hand, we should put Cha-Xu-ge-ju into the whole fundamental rural social order, to understand the boundary of we-relation-based egocentrism. In traditional society of China, the etiquettes and customs had controlled the boundary of we-relation-based egocentrism. However, the traditional etiquettes and customs based on Confucian ethics had been weakening, which led to a problem that the constraints on we-relation-based egocentrism are not enough. How to maintain the fundamental social order becomes a serious problem. Under the background of social construction, it is meaningful to discuss we-relation-based egocentrism and its influences on social order.
  • Sociological Review of China. 2016, 4(6): 68-75.
    The relationship between the state and society is the basic proposition of social science, which is also a controversial topic area. On the basis of reflection and dialogue to the relation between state and society, Joel S. Migdal is aware of the "reductionism" tendency in Weber's view of State, and then he constructs a new state definition, puts forward the unique "view of State" on the basis of empirical research. Meanwhile, combining with the perspective of procedural, he constructs the path "state in society" from the perspective of methodology, makes a new dynamic, procedural and constructive interpretation of the relation between state and society, which avoids the limitations of one way understanding from the old “state-centered” and “society-centered” theory, deepens the understanding of complex social reality, and opens up a new era of study on the relationship between the state and society, which also has the vital significance in methodology.
  • SHAO Zhanpeng
    Abstract: The emergence of “Orders of Simulacra” indicated that Baudrillard began to turn to pessimism. This article focuses on “Orders of Simulacra” text analysis, which is on the basis of existing debate about his pessimism turning, summarizing the core idea of “Orders of Simulacra” in the different link, such as criticizing, the orienting of problem, logical reasoning and the path to save. From the perspective of the premise, this article argue that, There is a logic jumping between criticism and solution to the simulation society in Baudrillard’s theory. He criticizes actuality with the “truth”, but solves the problem with the “real”. It avoids falling into the trap of “Orders of Simulacra” designed by himself, but overlooks the significance of mundane ethics as premise, because of stucking in the binary frame of “mundane- sacred”. It Finally makes “Orders of Simulacra” descend to a corner of DECONSTRUCTION of the 20th century, bowing to absurd metaphysics and pessimism. Keywords: orders of simulacra; symbolic exchange; mundane ethics; simulation
  • . 2019, 7(1): 75-86.
    Based on a thorough literature review, this paper outlines the major problematics and approaches of carework study from western sociological and anthropological perspectives. It pays special attention to the booming care jobs since the 1980s, shaped by the structural forces of economic globalization and the neoliberal state. This paper argues that three research topics can be summarized, including‘the gendered framework of carework’,‘the stratified division of carework’, and‘carework as intimate labor across the realms of market and intimacy’. This paper further explores the significance as well as some potential research projects for studying the cases of China.
  • 社会学评论. 2023, 11(1): 124-149.
    Financialization has been one of the emerging fields in economic sociology in recent years. Meanwhile, financialization is also a concept working at multiple layers with broad meanings, which is vulnerable to confusion and misuse. By reviewing the operationalization of financialization in the English literature, we outline two ways of defining financialization as“a transformation of the market structural”and“the evolution of action logic”. We also discuss the existing explanations of financialization (mainly in the United States since the 1970s) in the Marxist and historical institutionalist traditions to separately approach financialization as an inevitable historical stage and as an unintended consequence of politics. Following the reviews, we examine the empirical evidence of financialization in China at various levels, taking into account the existing Chinese research and relevant data on financialization. The paper concludes by making suggestions for future financialization research.
  • 社会学评论. 2023, 11(4): 28-52.
    This paper defines what Southern Theory is and discusses what contributions certain scholars of developing countries have made toward Southern Theory, where we should locate the critical thrust of Southern Theory, and the implications of Southern Theory for Chinese social sciences and humanities. It also explains why South-South cooperation in knowledge production is beneficial for the construction of global social theories. This paper argues that, despite the necessity in Chinese social sciences and humanities to develop and maintain an indigenous discourse, it is also necessary to hold onto the proposition that a public and common spirit rules all under heaven when the grand course of wisdom and virtues is pursued. Accordingly, we should extend our tradition of conducting academic dialogues between the East and the West into the regions of the Global South, because the development of truly global social theories must include an effort to draw upon the nourishments from social sciences and humanities in the developing world.
  • Sociological Review of China. 2017, 5(6): 88-95.
    In recent years, mechanism-based explanation has received considerable attention in the sociological explanation. This article clarifies the theoretical background of the rise of mechanism-based explanation and its conceptual concatenation. It also outlines three key properties of mechanism-based explanation: the recurring event processes between the explananda and explanandum, the diversity of causal structure and methodological individualism. The second part discusses three dilemmas in mechanism-based explanation: the problem of over-determination, the ignorance of structural and institutional elements and the generality of causality. The final part points out the methodological implications of the book “The Confucian-Legalist State: a New Theory of Chinese History” and analyses how its methodological approach transcends the dilemmas of the traditional mechanism-based explanation.
  • 社会学评论. 2023, 11(3): 30-58.
    By basic principles of“difference”(cha) and“order “ (xu) in the concept of“the Differential Mode of Association”, this article employs social network perspectives and agent-based modeling to simulate the formation and transformation process of“social circle”from an agrarian society to an industrial society to an internet society. In an agrarian society, based on the assumption of regional homogeneity such as consanguinity, the model evolves into a social circle with a“differential order pattern”. There is also a self- centered“differential”pattern among the individuals in the social circle, and a hierarchical“order”pattern between the internal circle and other internal circles. In an industrial society, based on the assumption of homogeneous social interaction and instrumental rational social interaction, the social circle of“differential order pattern” characterized by agrarian society diminishes, and a new complex social circle is formed. In an internet society, each social circle is controlled by the center of the circle, and there are similar structures among the central individuals of the circle. Therefore, a“differential order pattern”also exists between circles and among circle members. Through the deduction and analysis of a“social circle” formation process using agent-based modeling, this article aims to gain a deeper understanding of thee formation and transformation process of a“social circle” as a social structure across different development stages.
  • 社会学评论. 2020, 8(2): 8.
  • LI Guo-wu
    社会学评论. 2020, 8(1): 35-50.
    For the economic sociology emerging from reflecting on neoclassical economics, its micro-theoretical basis must consider the sociality of human behavior. Emphasis on the relative position and social comparison is the main manifestation of human sociality. Individuals not only care about their absolute benefits but also care about the relative position produced by comparing with the reference. This paper reviews and integrates some important contents of social comparison theory scattered in sociological and economic research. When introducing relative position into the analysis of human economic behavior, we need to consider basic issues such as the choice of reference groups, the positional externality of comparative items, the behavioral response caused by relative position, and the social recognition of the relative position. Social comparison theory is helpful in understanding the macroeconomic phenomena that perplex traditional economic theory, such as consumption cascade, wage compression, production quota, promotion incentives, and so on. Social comparison theory is a knowledge field that needs to be paid attention to in the study of economic sociology.
  • Original Paper
    BU Yu-mei, ZHOU Zhi-jia
  • 社会学评论. 2022, 10(1): 5-26.
    Far from the mimic of reality,maps are human’s proactive interpretation of a geographical space. Such an interpretation determines how space is used and occupied. Modern colonial empires were shaped during the“Age of Discovery”. When space on the earth was re-interpreted,empires began their occupation and exploitation of the new territories. As a result,the representative cartographic works in sixteenth to nineteenth century Europe not only reflect novel geographic knowledge of the colonial empires but also demonstrate their power and ideology. From the perspective of the map,this article explores the spatial mechanism of powers of colonialism,imperialism,and international law. From exploring new trade routes to occupying colonies,the rise of modern empires went hand in hand with the early economic globalization. Unlike the traditional empires,the modern colonial empires were originated from a new acknowledgment of global geography. Therefore,their imperialist enterprise contained a series of actions aiming to reconstruct the spatial order. Spaces on the globe were generally incorporated into the capitalist system of production. In the chain of production,transportation,and consumption,global spaces were reorganized into a hierarchical relationship. European international law emerged and developed at the same time,supporting and defending such a hierarchy. The development of cartography from fifteenth century Europe became the most vividly visual representation of these historical changes.
  • Original Paper
    Sociological Review of China. 2015, 3(04): 81-88.
  • ZHAO Dingxin
    社会学评论. 2019, 7(1): 3-17.
    This article first summarizes and then criticizes five different understandings of time and temporalities in the Western world. It then proceeds to propose five other understandings of time and temporalities: the cumulative developmental time derived from the natures of the economic and military power, the pluralistic time arising from the natures of ideological power, the increasingly prevailing political time due to the natures of the political power, the cyclic Daoist time, and the compound time of the empirical world (compound of the cumulative developmental time, pluralistic time, prevailing political time, and Daoist cyclic time). This article discusses the empirical relevance of my five understandings of time and tries to establish two arguments: First, the essence of historical sociology is not to study past happenings, but to organically combine the chronology/time-based narrative of history and structure/mechanism-based narrative of sociology. Second, establishing a Chinese ontology of time is a way to develop social sciences with Chinese characteristics.
  • . 2021, 9(1): 76-0.
    With the spread of blockchain technology and the soaring price of bitcoin in recent years, many countries, including China, have seen a craze of cryptocurrencies in 2017. However, despite the rush of investors, a large number of cryptocurrencies are just shell projects or outright scams under the banner of blockchain. The white paper is a project introduction written by cryptocurrency issuers to attract investors. This paper collects and analyzes all the white papers written in Chinese currently available in the financial market, reveals the seven main narratives of the cryptocurrency industry and makes a portrait of ideas for the people involved in. We argue that the cryptocurrency is a self-protective invention when society is facing the systemic crisis of financial capitalism, although taking a good faith to resist the financial culture, it ultimately becomes the carrier of financial culture reproduction, which means the financial capitalism has achieved the dynamic generation as a new historical form.
  • HE Yi-jin
    社会学评论. 2021, 9(6): 156-174.
    Big data studies in sociology have been treated as a new trend or promising direction mainly in the statistic or quantitative areas. However, our digital lives embedded with information technology generate a“new sociality”, the existence and practice of the subject experienced a radical change. With some new“digital troubles”, the subject has been offered more opportunities and increased flexibility. Theoretical studies are also required urgently in the era of big data. Sociological theories should understand and interpret our digital lives. Moreover, practicing sociological imagination in the contemporary context of datafication of everything, an updated imagination is required to interpret or “unlock”the digital lives of our time.
  • 社会学评论. 2020, 8(5): 3-17.
    This paper attempts to sort out the development clues of China's labor sociology in the past 30 years. This paper shows that: the last decade of the 20th century was the first period of the development of labor sociology. At this time, Chinese sociology began to explore the labor problem, but there was a suspicion of misuse of theory. The first decade of the 21st century is the second stage of development. Sociology begins to study labor under the theoretical framework of labor sociology. This paper mainly takes the field study of Tsinghua labor sociology as an example to illustrate the characteristics of this period. The second decade of the 21st century is the third period of development. The basic characteristics of this stage are to explore new labor groups and form a new vision of research. The evolution of the three periods reflects the basic changes and internal logic of Chinese labor sociology.
  • YING Li-cheng
    Sociological Review of China. 2017, 5(6): 11-22.
    Although the social nature of space has been discussed widely, its sociological nature hasn't yet. There is no systematic answer for how can we take space as a sociological perspective to explain social problems. Therefore, the study tries to reveal the orientations and limitations of spatial interpretation in sociology. It suggests that spatial perspective has four dimensions in Sociological Interpretation.(a)For social structure,the occupancy state of space constitutes the motive force of social stratum differentiation.(b)For social change, the production of space affects the direction and speed of social change.(c)For social control, the localization of space has become the main skill of power operation.(d)For social action, The claim of space constitutes the important logic of Urban social movement. Further,the study reveals two characteristics of the Spatial Interpretation: situationality and compound. Then, after affirming the advantages of spatial perspective basing these two characteristics, its limitations in study came into question.
  • 社会学评论. 2021, 9(1): 220-0.
    Under criticism from within feminism and challenge of postmodern thoughts that emphasize individual and difference, traditional feminism experienced self-criticism and internal turning, post-feminism came into being. However, when feminism itself, as a universalist movement, was attacked by women who demanded difference, people questioned that post-feminism has the tendency of "depoliticisation". Moreover, under the influence of neoliberalism, post-feminism was "misappropriated" and "distorted", breeding a landscape of "post-feminism" in mass culture, which not only contained a new kind of discipline for women, but also made traditional feminism lose its critical power. Only by clarifying the contradictory context and complex connotation involved, and reconstructing the category of "women" and "politics" from the perspective of postmodern pluralism, can we harvest the fruits of the intersection of feminism and postmodern thoughts, then open up the political opportunities of post-feminism.
  • . 2019, 7(1): 51-64.
    This paper uses two indicators, whether going on business trips and the intensity of going out on business, as proxy for laborers’ job market involvement to empirically explore the gender differences in travelling on business and its resulting income effects on gender-earning differentials. Based on 2014 Social Networks and Job Search Survey data set, findings show that the rate at which men participate on business trips is much higher than that of the women’s, by approximately 1.8 times. Compared with laborers who do not go out on bussiness, those who have short stay and long stay on business trip respectively earn 19% and 35% higher. A series of statistical models, including Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Models have proved the robustness of these findings. On balance, gender differences in two indicators of business trips can explain 19% of the gender-earning differentials, and contribute to 88% of the total. Moreover, it is found that two indicators of business trips have indeed affected laborers’ investments in human capital, social capital, and their promotion within the organizations. It is speculated that gender-earning differentials originates from cultural bias, which is rooted in patriarchy, rather than from employers’ discrimination.
  • . 2019, 7(3): 60-71.
    The gender gap in career promotion is not only an important indicator of labor market inequality, but also an important mechanism of inequality reproduction. Domestic studies have neglected the impact of family and husband on the rise of women's professional status. This paper uses the CFPS "China Family Tracking Survey" data in 2010 and 2014 and match the couple data to explore how husbands influence the wives’ professional status. This paper synthesizes the theory of gender power and verifies the theory of "husband inhibition" and "husband support". The study found that factors such as husband's income, female's emotional dependence, housework and family care time had a negative impact on the rise of women's professional status, and the "husband inhibition theory" was verified. Social network can promote the rise of women's professional status. However, the results show that the intermediary effect of social network on husband's income is not significant. The theory of husband's support has not been confirmed.
  • Yang ZHANG
    社会学评论. 2022, 10(1): 27-51.
    At the turn of the twentieth century, the old rivals—England and America—gradually became friends, and the former friends—England and Germany—turned confrontational. Structural factors—geopolitical conflict, economic competition, or regime difference—and individual agency cannot explain the two reversals. This article uses the concept of“robust actor”to explain the mutual influence of these states’crisis response and the change of their relationship structure. Specifically, the German emperor Wilhelm II was unable to steer the delicate alliance system left by Bismarck, and Germany’s dominant role in the power network was thus gradually dismantled and even locked in by its rivals and allies. England became the new robust actor among great powers and forged a hedging alliance structure, appeasing America while restraining Germany with ambiguity. Ironically, Germany and England clashed in World War Ⅰ when their relationship just was repaired, which was beyond their calculation. The conflict happened because Germany miscalculated England’s strategic ambiguity, and England had to respond to Germany’s military adventurism. This study also demonstrates that historical change is often not structural factor-driven linear development but comprises reiterated reversals emerging from multiple sequences of events.
  • Sociological Review of China. 2016, 4(3): 11-20.
    The concept of “sense of security” have dual attributes of psychology and sociology. In social psychology,the current situation and characteristics of public sense of security in our country were analyzed using the massive data from Internet survey. Then we discussed the reasons for the lack of public sense of security from the perspective of social transformation, pointing out that development and reform had double-edged sword effects on public sense of security. At last, we put forward our countermeasures and suggestions on how to promote the public sense of security.
  • . 2020, 8(4): 77-0.
    Previous studies on the differential impact of social support types on the mental health of the elderly population and its impact mechanism are relatively scarce. Based on the data from a baseline sample survey of intervention studies on psychological problems among rural elderly in 9 provinces in China, this paper explores the mechanism of social support on mental health among rural elderly. The results of linear regression show that different types of social support provided by different social support sources (people) have different effects on the mental health. The bootstrap mediation model testifies the effect path is “external characteristics of social support → internal quality of social support → mental health”. This effect path implies that the increase of support quantity exerts direct effect on the mental health, and also exerts indirect effects on the mental health, mediated by the quality of support (support satisfaction as the variable). The supports of spouses and adult children have significant impacts on the mental health of the elderly. The elderly expect the more and higher quality supports from the spouses, whereas they just expect more supports from the adult children. Both the more and the higher quality supports from the friends and neighbors have significant beneficial effects. The old people having more participation in the community activities show the better mental health. To explore the social support impact mechanism on the mental health will provide references for the issues of the late life psychological well-being in rural areas.
  • Original Paper
    Sociological Review of China. 2014, 2(6): 58-68.
  • Sociological Review of China. 2016, 4(3): 85-96.
    A paradox of Chinese homosexuals’ pursue for intimacies arises from the emerging homonormativity in contemporary China: on one hand, the non-marital sexual behaviors have been rejected by the mainstream social norms; on the other, same sex marriage is not an available option for them. Based on the analysis of Chinese same sex marriage, this paper critically explore the public/private distinction theory. Firstly, chaxu geju as a conceptual framework has been introduced to highlight the scalability and relativity of the boundary between the public and the private in Chinese society, in order to critically analyze the role of state and the myths of the family in the discussions of same sex marriage. Subsequently, based on the argument of the feminist scholars such as Judith Butler, Nancy Tuana, etc., the “person” situated in specific power relations in the slogan “personal is political” has been replaced by a more general “person”, following which the epistemological analysis of the consequences of knowledge/ignorance behind the attitudes of ordinary people towards same sex marriage has been made. This is a travel of the public/private distinction theory across different worlds: from the western to China, from the specific gendered power relations to the more general Chinese society. There are different selves with different attributes of the theory in different worlds, based on which the new possibilities of reading, using, revising, and developing theory have been opened up
  • Sociological Review of China. 2016, 4(6): 76-93.
    In Soulstealers:the Chinese sorcery scare of 1768,Philip A. Kuhn attempts to deal with the problem of the dynamics of autocratic rule in Chinese empire. However,he does not notice the dimensions of temporality and of grammar respectively. Based on the new conceptions in this article - the process of state and the time of power, the monarch is regarded as the dual-incarnation of state and politics during the time of arbitrary power,so that the bureaucrats have to be the monarch’s private servants. On the contrary,throughout the time of routine power,the bureaucrats achieve the de-incarnation of the monarch by organizing. From cross-cultural and comparative perspectives, there are common characters and different qualities in the typologies, the mechanisms and the effects, between the incarnations of Hongli and some other cases in Chinese and Western history.