ISSN 2095-5154 CN 10-1098/C

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  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(4): 5-30.
    Erving Goffman is one of the representatives of the vast field of symbolic interactionism. By integrating the structural role theory of Manford Kuhn and the process role theory of Herbert Blumer, Goffman drew from the strengths of various sources in both theory and methodology, creating the Dramaturgical Theory, which had profound impacts later on. The earliest elaboration of this theory can be found in his book The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Goffman used rich theatrical concepts such as individual“performance”and team“collusion”to describe how people maintain the normal order of the interactive world by presenting themselves in daily life. Later, in his book Stigma, Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity,he discussed the two interrelated alternative groups of stigmatized and potentially stigmatized individuals, and how they maintain their unique way of self-presentation through the modification of stigma in situations of discredited or discreditable. By interpretating Goffman’s unique life history, we can see that his works are more like encrypted versions of personal biographies, or his sociological imagination stems from his exceptionally rich and alternative experiences.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(3): 5-29.
    Research on intergenerational mobility usually analyzes the mobility patterns and mechanisms among classes based on the framework of class. This paper uses China General Social Survey (CGSS) data to explore the influence of family origin within the class on individual labor income, namely thelong shadow effect” of family origin. First, the results show that thelong shadow effectexists in both the elite and the working classes. The income of people from the elite class is significantly higher than that of people from the other class, which is respectively manifested as theclass ceilingeffect and theclass flooreffect. Second, the long shadow effectis mainly realized through human capital and job opportunities mechanisms. People from the elite class have higher human capital and are more likely to work in large-scale organizations and economically developed areas. Third,thelong shadow effectdiffers in different institutional environments. Theclass ceilingeffect and theclass flooreffect in the labor market are more significant from outside the institutional system. Fourth,theclass ceilingandclass floor” effects have shown an increasingly severe trend during the period we studied. This article reveals the heterogeneity within broad class categories, providing a new perspective for assessing social inequality and its reproduction.
  • WANG Qiannan
    社会学评论. 2024, 12(3): 235-256.
    Thedaughter- centered lineal family(Guinvjia) refers to a lineal family centered around their married daughter; it plays an important role in the daughters daily life. The intimate relations between the daughter and her parents build on mutual support and dependence based onheart; heart-to-heart connection is a shared expectation of two generations. The emergence of the daughter-centered lineal familyis the result of the active construction of the daughter and her parents, and this reflects the rise of the dual subjectivity of women themselves as daughters in intergenerational relations and as wives in conjugal relations is crucial. On the other hand, women achieve this by increasing their self- demands.Thedaughter- centered lineal familypresents new changes in the relations between the daughter and her natal family parents but also reflects new challenges that contemporary Chinese families need to face. Due to thedaughter-centered lineal familybeing theliminal phaseof the transformation of relations between the daughter and her natal family, they are able to gain more space for negotiation and action in family practice. However, contemporary Chinese family life has the possibility of becoming more complex.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(5): 5-25.
    This paper discusses how sociology accepts“culture”. Through reviewing the literature, this paper finds that sociology has never really forgotten culture.However, the acceptance of culture has undergone a disciplinary development from “unconscious”to“conscious”and then to“consciously constructing.”In the “unconscious”stage, culture is merely an adjunct to a grand structured narrative; In the“conscious”stage, sociologists had earlier made their voices heard through scattered participation in cultural studies emerging from Europe, which was accompanied by the collective“cultural turn”of European academia; Then the cultural turn of sociology itself gave birth to the conflict between“cultural sociology”and “cultural studies.”In the“consciously constructing”stage, the emergence of several schools of cultural theory provided excellent theoretical tools for the academic prosperity of cultural sociology and the promotion of the importance of culture.Finally, the paper believes that“cultural sociology”and“cultural studies”are related, but there are obvious differences in the research objects, disciplines, and methods.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(4): 31-53.
    The discovery of Xunzi Qunxue is the product of the sociology of the history of Chinese social thought. This sociological inquiry is primarily concerned with how individuals with a propensity for evil are systematically integrated into society. For this question, it is necessary to identify not only social control mechanisms but also the social mechanism that Xunzi Qunxue designed to implement social order. In the text of Xunzi, the concept of“division (fen)”is broader than “grouping (qun)”. Based on this, the perspective can be shifted from“group”to“division”, and the internal social order mechanism of Xunzi Qunxue science can be constructed. Mingfen Shiqun (dividing people by etiquette and socially grouping them) is an indigenous analytical tool based on Xunzi’s social taxonomy, and the equal structure of Xunzi’s ideal society, referred to as“group living and one”, is generated in part by the actions of this social mechanism.

  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(4): 236-256.
     The structure of traditional Chinese politics originates from ethical relationships. Ethics emanating from human nature, which serve as guidance and regulation for specific political practices, constitute the internal basis of traditional political order. The relationship between father and son is the essence of kinship ethics, and the relationship between monarch and subject is the core of political ethics. According to the Confucian understanding of human nature, filial piety (xiao) is the fundamental display of benevolence (ren), while loyalty (zhong) is, to a large extent, the requirement of filial piety. However, loyalty has its own emotional basis independent of filial piety. The way a son treats his father differs from the way a subject treats his monarch, so there might be tension between filial piety and loyalty in certain circumstances. Confucian rites dissolve the tension by properly dealing with inner emotions such as affection for kin(qinqin), respect for the honorable (zunzun), love, and piety. However, in history, when a monarch or a senior official is obsessed with power, the political operation will degenerate into a game of interests that is against human nature, thus often leading to the spoiling and even the collapse of political order.
  • ZHANG Qian
    社会学评论. 2024, 12(3): 71-94.
    By using the data from the China Education Panel Survey (CEPS) in 2014 and 2015, this study examines the influence of the current Chinese family structure on the academic achievement of adolescents and its indirect mechanism,and further explores the influence mechanism in different class peer groups. First,family structure plays an essential role in adolescentsacademic achievement.Adolescents from non- two- parent families have lower academic achievement compared to two-parent families. Second, family structure affects the academic achievement of adolescents by affecting family educational resources and family social capital. Compared with two-parent families, adolescents from non-two-parent families are disadvantaged in terms of learning resources, school quality, parentchild communication, and parental control, resulting in lower academic achievement. Finally, the impact of family structure on adolescentsacademic achievement showed significant differences among peer groups in different classes. Excellent class peer groups reduce the explanatory effects of family learning resources and parental control, which in turn leads to a significant reduction in the differences in academic achievement between adolescents from non-two-parent families and two-parent families.
  • ZHU Ying
    社会学评论. 2024, 12(3): 53-70.
    The active participation of the public is the foundation for the sustainable and sound development of voluntary blood donation in China. Promoting social participation in voluntary blood donation is an important theoretical and practical issue. This article is based on the data from the survey of the living conditions of residents in megacities, including Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, in 2015, and finds that receiving high school education and above markedly increases the likelihood of residents participating in voluntary blood donation. It is not only because school education has increased peoples awareness of blood-related knowledge, but also because education is a critical step in receiving the concepts,
    including giving back to society and participating in public welfare activities.Further analysis shows no significant difference in the impact of school education on voluntary blood donation among different birth cohort groups. Given this, future national education should not only focus on disseminating basic knowledge of blood but also advocate the important concept that voluntary blood donation is a crucial way to give back to society.

  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(4): 78-107.
    Facing the flagging rural development that is coming up with the hollowing and aging problems, a new issue would have its urgency for the research of rural governance, namely, how rural vitality could be activated. Focusing on the CunBA, a rural basketball game in Guizhou Province, we thought that in order to inspire the villages, except for the cooperation among governing agents, it was crucial for rural governance to activate the governing agents’subjectivity. As an outcome of cooperation between modern Western sport and Chinese traditional folk culture,the CunBA has both modernity and locality. It has scaled developing and periodic holding, continuing the collective effervescence of the village, and self-organizes by the amateurish locals, which presents multiple contrasts intertwined with different sounds and a new competitive order built on the competition among multiple actors within these traditional but modern rural sports. The capacity and scale expansion of local community activation and the massive reconstruction of social order by CunBA allows the rural sports event as the mirror of the order for rural society indeed, providing us with a new vision to think of rural revitalization that activates the governing agents’subjectivity by digging heterogeneity of rural culture.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(4): 54-77.
    This paper reflects on the research of anthropology of sports in China and puts forward some prospects for the future. On the one hand, by introducing discipline, the“anthropology of sports mainly by sports scholars”section has carried out extensive research in traditional ethnic minority sports, laying an empirical foundation for the formation of this discipline. However, this section has some limitations, such as over-reliance on the framework of cultural evolution and lack of theoretical insight. From the perspective of cross-ethnic relationships, ethnic minority sports activities are the product of exchanges among various ethnic groups,and that the popularity of the hot sports events shows the complementary relationship among the diverse-integrated Chinese ethnic groups. On the other hand, starting from the contemporary sports phenomenon, referring to the relevant experience from overseas studies of the anthropology of sports regarding China, this paper points out that the“anthropology of sports mainly by cultural anthropologists”section should have a cross-cultural perspective, carry out solid ethnographic field accumulation,and explain or interpret the social changes behind the sports phenomenon from an accurate theoretical perspective. The significance of the nation-state is being re-emphasized as a style, but the nationalism of the new style is open to foreignness and internationalism. The two sections, should based on cultural anthropology be combined into an inherently unified anthropology of sports.
  • XU Youjun
    社会学评论. 2024, 12(3): 212-234.
    Based on the empirical data collected from interactions between babysitters and employers in Shanghai, this paper argues that the spatial context of domestic services comprises a dual labor space constituted by theworkspace and thefamilyspace. This dual labor space shapes labor relations through two different sets of spatial logic comprised of labor requirements and care expectations. When the spatial logic chosen by the workers and employers differs, the actions
    taken by both sides to optimize their experiences paradoxically lead to an unsatisfactory experience dilemma, resulting in tense labor relations. Employers may blur the boundaries of the dual space by cultivating intimate relationships and exercising comprehensive supervision. At the same time, babysitters may divide the boundaries by emphasizing purely contractual relationships and creating dead ends of employers
    supervision. Only in rare instances when both sidesspatial logic converges and their actions coordinate can labor relations be harmonious. By introducing a social-spatial perspective, this paper moves away from mainstream assumptions of homogeneity in the spatial context, refines the prevailing narrative on structural inequality, and concurrently broadens our understanding of workersagency.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(6): 183-204.
    Distinct from traditional explanations based on self-interest and system justification theories, this paper explores the formation logic of meritocracy identification from a social context perspective, focusing on the roles of inequality and
    the information media. By analyzing data from the China Family Panel Survey, we find that the higher the inequality in regions where individuals live, the more they identify with meritocracy. In addition, information media relying on Internet technology can significantly weaken the positive effect of inequality on meritocracy identification. Hence, this paper proposes the proposition“social contextuality of meritocracy identification”. On the one hand, inequality makes it difficult for individuals to perceive socio-economic status gaps with others by creating social contextual segregation, which leads to greater identification with meritocracy. On the other hand, using the Internet to access information can expand the social context
    of individuals, thus updating their perceptions of meritocracy.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(6): 230-252.
    This paper reviews three theoretical research paths on how culture influences action in American cultural sociology: the value, toolbox, and cognitive paths. The values path attempts to explain how culture as a whole value system influences action through personality. Based on criticizing the values path, the toolbox path regards culture as a tool that can be readily accessed. It emphasizes the importance of action strategies between culture and action. The cognitive path is the criticism and transcendence of the first two paths. By absorbing the theoretical resources of cognitive psychology, this approach focuses on the“schema explanation”that combines both the superindividuality and the stereotypical representation of culture, and divides the process of how culture influences action into cultural acquisition, cultural sharing, and cultural activation. The discussion of the above three approaches is helpful for us to re-understand the concept of“view of knowledge and action”in Chinese cultural tradition and promote the construction of cultural sociology with Chinese characteristics.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(6): 205-229.
    Taking the agentic activity of the workers into consideration,we contend that despite operating under digital and organizational control, service platform couriers (SPCs) can still rely on their status as independent contractors and the
    station system to spontaneously form team cooperation and strong ties during the labor process.These bonds, facilitated by the high integration of work settings and living environments under the station system, further extend into the economic and emotional aspects of the couriers’lives. The“situational strong ties”formed by SPCs are crucial for on-demand food delivery platforms to mobilize riders to meet their needs, and they are essential for maintaining the labor order in the platformbased food-delivery industry. Moreover, the“situational strong ties”forged by the couriers not only helped them to resist the atomization trend of digital workers, but also became a survival strategy for SPCs to protect themselves.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(5): 160-187.
     This paper describes in-depth the social process of the transformation of a governance mini program developed by a digital platform enterprise from“zero users”to“high activity”in a village, and attempts to reveal the logic and mechanism of the diffusion of external technologies in local societies without large-scale external mobilization from the perspective of the village. First, the social network and social concepts formed by offline governance have laid a social foundation for online
    governance applets. Secondly, the design of products that are compatible with villages is the technical foundation for the smooth“entry”of digital platforms. Finally,these two foundations need to be activated through two key mechanisms:“government platformization”and“platform agility.”This paper not only conceptualizes the empirical phenomenon of the bottom-up diffusion of external“digital governance platforms”in villages but also breaks through the paradigms of state-centrism and social determinism in the explanation of the mechanism, and brings the independent characteristics of technology and the inter-construction of technology and society back to the center of the analysis, which provides insights on the village governance strategy and the development of platforms and products.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(5): 71-87.
    Affect theory has attracted much attention and discussion in the humanities and social sciences. In anthropological research, the contribution of affect theory lies in its breakthrough of the mind‐body and individual/collective dichotomies in existing studies, its focus on the affect‐emotion gap, and its rejection of over‐rationalist and structuralist analyses. Taking as a case study on the emotional practices of contemporary Chinese youth, this paper attempts to explore the application of affect theory into ethnographic research and how it can open up various possibilities in addressing new, untraditional experiences and better grasp the multiplied, complicated and emerging realities.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(4): 170-192.
    While classical theories of“reference groups”can, to some extent,explain the factors shaping class identity, they fail to establish an overarching theoretical framework that elucidates the formation mechanism in its entirety. The “mixed reference theory”, integrating concepts from “reference groups”and “dominance relations”, constructs a theoretical model encompassing both structural and relational aspects. This theory is comprised of five reference operations: relative deprivation, relative gratification, dominance gratification, dominance deprivation, and familiarity effects. Individuals continuously engage in these five referencing operations and compare themselves with others, thereby shaping their class identity. Empirical analysis based on seven times of data from the China General Social Survey (CGSS) 2011-2021 confirms the explanatory power of the five reference operations of the“mixed reference theory”in measuring the“class perception gap”, which gauges discrepancies between objective and subjective class positions. The study also uncovers variations in reference operations among individuals with different genders and dominance statuses, thereby validating the efficacy of the“mixed reference theory”in explaining the formation mechanisms of class identity. By broadening the scope of applicable and referenced subjects, this theory furnishes a more comprehensive reference model and processual explanation, enriching our understanding of how class identity is constructed within complex societal structures.
  • CONG Jinzhou
    社会学评论. 2024, 12(3): 95-121.
    Using data from three rounds of the China Family Panel Studies and the early cognitive ability of grandchildren as an outcome index, this paper examines the interpretation of intergenerational status exchange in marriage on the multi⁃
    generational transmission of education in China
    s social context. It is found that no matter whether it is in the paternal or maternal line, an intergenerational status exchange between grandparents and spouse in the second generation exists, which transmits the influence of grandparentseducational achievement on the grandchilds cognitive ability. In addition, the degree of intergenerational status exchange in the paternal line is stronger than that in the maternal line, so the indirect grandparent effects caused by this mechanism in the paternal line are significantly greater than those in the maternal line. As a result, this mechanism is more beneficial in maintaining the reproduction of a patrilineal society. In this paper, the Markov process of multigenerational transmission is extended from a perspective of educational attainment, while the classical one-lineage model can be seen as a constraint line of multigenerational inequality transmission. In the multigenerational mobility framework, the indirect effects of other pathways and the direct effects of grandparental participation are worthy of more attention.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(5): 49-70.
    Stamping consumption, as an emerging consumption phenomenon, reflects that consumers attach importance to both consumer objects and possession experience and want to personalize the experience as well as prove the authenticity
    through institutionalization. In this paper, we take the practice paradigm as a perspective and introduce Beck’s theory of“institutional individualization”as an analytical framework, arguing that stamping consumption is a consumption practice
    based on the occurrence of personal movement. It occurs through the control of the consumption process by institutionalized consumption tools and finally materialized travel experience by collecting movement markers. Stamping consumption reflects the consumer’s search for certainty in a differentiated tourism context. Further behind the demand for institutionalization is the“self-posed”response to the risks of modernity, and the balance between institutionalization and individualization is a process of debugging the tensions of a new order.
  • SHUAI Man GE Ya’nan JIN Huilian
    社会学评论. 2024, 12(3): 144-166.
    This study applies in-depth interviews and participatory observation, to focus on young Chinese users of the Korean hyper-localized second-hand trading platform Karrot. It explores the construction of mechanisms ofthe nearbyfor social
    networks. On the one hand, the cultural contact mechanism of two- way reinforcement of language and resonance of habits and frequencies activates
    the nearby, enabling Chinese youth to improve their Korean language proficiency, enhance cultural confidence, and pull in psychological distance from Korean society. On the other hand, the dual reciprocity mechanism of obligation-based reciprocity and sharing based reciprocity strengthensthe nearby. Chinese youth gradually generate and spread reciprocal relationships with people inthe nearbythrough publishing and browsing, buying and selling, and giving and receiving relationships, enhancing the breadth and depth of social integration. This study engages in dialogue with studies on social integration, social networks, social capital, andthe nearbyand provides references and inspirations for individual mobility, community and social governance.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(4): 149-169.
     In scale expansion, digital platforms have jumped out of the constraints of production and transaction costs to a certain extent, but they have encountered surging social costs. Unlike previous enterprises, the digital platform is the organizational form of the online trading market, the maker of market rules, and the defender of market order. Based on the theory of social operating finds that, due to the organizational attributes and structural advantages of digital platforms, the digital platform is related to the vital interests of the general public, which is prone to large-scale conflicts of interest and social stability if poorlyhandled. At the same time, it needs to respond to all parties’doubts about their market rules. Moreover, as an integrator of data and technology, it relates to the security of national data and the core competitiveness of the country. It is necessary to highlight the public nature,coordination, fairness, and security of the platform and to assume more responsibilities for maintaining social order. The social cost of digital platform expansion mainly includes social security, benefit coordination, market management, and national security costs. The concept of social cost is the key to understanding the expansion process, strategy, and scale boundary of digital platforms, and it is the sociological concept that helps to understand the formation mechanism of platform market structure in the digital age.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(6): 92-115.
    Since the 1970s, Western industrialized societies have been transitioning to post-industrial societies, with economies gradually shifting from manufacturing to being dominated by service industries and the knowledge economy. During this
    transition, the working class has gradually declined, while the number of professional and service industry workers has rapidly increased, resulting in a noticeable polarization in the labor market structure. However, the EGP class schema, constructed based on industrial society, has failed to capture the changes in the employment structure of post-industrial societies. Increasing numbers of women and non-manual routine workers cannot find appropriate class positions within the traditional class framework. To address this issue, Oesch proposed a concept of social stratification based on the work logic, categorizing classes according to whether daily work involves the use of professional skills, the exercise of organizational power, or the service of personal needs. This accurately reflects the diversity and complexity of employment structures in post-industrial societies. For China, which is transitioning to a post-industrial society, Oesch’s concept of social stratification can help us predict the future development trends of social stratification in China and provide strong support for the formulation of more scientific and reasonable social policies.

  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(4): 215-235.
    In recent years, the rise of the college entrance examination (gaokao) application fee-based counseling has brought a huge market potential, and the increasing number of participants has caused a social impact that can not be ig⁃nored.This paper probes into the contracting process of the College entrance ex⁃amination application consulting market and analyzes the purpose, nature, and method of the transaction from the perspective of embeddedness and relationship operation. It is found that the paid consulting market of gaokao is embedded in the institutional environment, and with the institutional changes, it has formed unique trading conditions and information advantages. Thus, it can provide economic optimal strategies. In the process of contracting, the conclusion of the transaction is highly dependent on the shaping of the relational position and the cultural concept by the two parties to the contract. By constructing the role of“teacher”,the consulting agencies blur the “principal-agent ”relation and obtain the legitimacy of institutional interpretation, in which trust maintenance and risk avoidance can be realized. However, the marketization strategy further weakens the agency of individuals in the application, leading to systematic preference change and structural misallocation of educational resources. It is of far-reaching significance to examine unintended consequences and mechanisms of gaokao with the market and provide an instructive understanding of the way free markets work in non-economic fields such as education.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(4): 127-148.
    The transformation of digital technology has driven institutional transformation centered on risk governance, in which the European Union(Eu)is a pioneer in digital regulation innovation. Based on data including the“International Digital Ecology Index”, this article characterizes similarities of regulations in the field of digital risk governance among 28 European countries and explores the factors and mechanisms that affect similarities of regulations. The study found that security and development have become two aspects of digital risk governance, and the digital risk control regulations of 28 European countries still exhibit a complex pattern of “similarities but differences”under the constraints of the EU’s upper⁃level laws.Governance practices centered on technology application have driven the formation of digital risk control regulations, while the influence of normative factors is not significant.The accelerated development of digital technology has resulted in an “asynchronous dilemma”between regulation formation and governance practices. Which has led to the disenchantment of governance paradigms and the decline of normative power in the industrial era. The development of digital regulation in various countries is more manifested as a pragmatic trial⁃and⁃error practice.

  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(6): 138-157.
    With the advent of the digital-intelligence era, humanity has transitioned into a nascent digital existence paradigm characterized by human-computer interaction, communication, and even socialization. The data-mediated mode of interaction has catalyzed the formation of unprecedented social linkages between individuals and society; the Internet of Everything (IoE) is progressively manifesting an algorithmically driven characteristic known as ubiquitous solidarity. This“ubiquitous solidarity”, fueled by digital interactions and advanced computational capacities, fosters extensive connections within the digital society,manifesting in multifaceted and integrated transformations: from real humans
    evolving into digital-intelligence entities, physical communities transitioning to virtual realms, industrial labor divisions giving way to digital-intelligence-driven labor configurations, and the real economy merging with the burgeoning digital economy. The information-processing actors, functioning as a bridge between the physical and digital environments, provide a pivotal linkage mechanism for integrating the real and virtual societal spheres. Ubiquitous solidarity thus represents a novel form of social cohesion, mirroring the algorithmically governed social structures and orders of our contemporary era.
  • ZHANG Weizhuo
    社会学评论. 2024, 12(3): 122-143.
    Cheng Fangwu is the founder of socialist higher education in China.From the perspective of research importance, revisiting his spiritual heritage is related to the search for the source of Chinese socialist education. In his early years,he devoted himself to literary criticism. Although he did not use the termsociology, he consciously explored a way of thinking from philosophical epistemology to social science to mold modern Chinese peoples personalities. His spiritual exploration can be summarized as a sociological enlightenment of dialectics. After that, he translated classic works of Marxist social science and engaged in revolutionary and socialist education. In fact, it is a natural result of the social consciousness with which he started his literary career from the very beginning. His initial exploration of literary criticism, in terms of its sociological consciousness, paved the way for his future acceptance of Marxism.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(5): 88-115.
    Current research on Granet’s kinship theory often attempts to place him within the lineage centered on Lévi-Strauss, emphasizing his contributions to the universal theory of kinship systems. However, Granet’s work is not confined to a
    “structuralist”interpretation alone. His contributions to kinship theory originate from diverse sources, traditions, and dialogues. Firstly, Granet inherits and surpasses the research tradition established by Durkheim. He continues to investigate the origins of exogamy and the transition of organizations. Secondly,Granet’s examination of kinship should not be divorced from his overarching theoretical framework and research objectives, which involve exploring the transition from kinship organizations based on reciprocity to those based on prestige in feudal societies. Lastly, from a sociological perspective, Granet’s study of kinship is grounded in his reinterpretation and explication of the Book of Etiquette and Ceremonial. This interpretation challenges orthodox Confucian theories, particularly regarding father and son relations,
    and entails a theoretical reconstruction of ancient Chinese kinship relations.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(5): 116-135.
    Much of the research literature under the established labor process theory paradigm views platforms as upgraded production organizations. Based on a comparative study of two designated driving platforms, this paper finds that platforms enhance the governance efficacy of the labor process by manipulating the uncertainty of workers’market livelihoods, effectively resolving the uncertainty of labor output faced by capital. On the one hand, the platform tilts the orders based on the workers' daily performance, so that the workers continuously internalize the rules of the platform in the process of obtaining orders over and over again; on the other hand, the platform develops a more stringent management style by virtue of the monopoly of the market livelihood, and the workers are forced to give up the space of autonomy and submit to the management in order to obtain a more secured livelihood. This paper argues that we should return to Marx’s holistic account of the capital cycle and revise the existing analytical framework of labor process theory based on the characteristics of platforms, which straddle the stages of production and circulation and integrate different forms of capital.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(5): 211-233.
    In the past decade, China’s private economy has entered a peak period of intergenerational inheritance, with a large number of private entrepreneurs facing the challenge of passing on their businesses to their children. Drawing upon national survey data of Chinese Private Enterprise Survey in 2016, this article examines the impact of intergenerational inheritance on private enterprises’charitable donations. It finds that the inter-generational inheritance of private enterprises is a complex multi-factor transmission process, and the lack of social legitimacy of the second-generation heirs is crucial to the success of the inheritance. Through charitable donations, private entrepreneurs aim to improve the social image of their heirs and enhance the social recognition of inter-generational inheritance. Compared with their counterparts, larger private enterprises have more political ties, and are located in a more market-oriented environment, always having a greater demand for social legitimacy. Thus intergenerational transmission will have a greater impact on corporate philanthropy. The charitable effect of intergenerational inheritance not only deepens our understanding of the intergenerational inheritance of private enterprises, but also enriches the literature on corporate social responsibility in the Chinese context. Moreover, the findings of this article have some implications for the government to better stimulate private enterprises’charitable potential in the future.
  • XU Minxia ZHENG Lu
    社会学评论. 2024, 12(3): 30-52.
    Through the empirical analysis of China Household Finance SurveyCHFS2019 data, this study examines the socio-economic status differences of Chinese urban residents in housing provident fund participation, including participation breadth, participation depth, and participation validity, and its formation mechanism from the perspective of social stratification. Results show that urban residents with higher socio-economic status have a higher probability of participating in the housing provident fund system, and accumulate more monthly money. Among urban residents who participate in housing provident fund system, the higher the socio-economic status of the residents, financial literacy, and credit capacity, the higher the probability of withdrawing the housing provident fund, and credit using the housing provident fund to buy houses. Housing provident funds can significantly improve the housing assets of urban residents, and this positive impact is more prominent for urban residents with higher socio-economic status. This study reveals the social stratification logic of the operation of the housing provident fund system and its potential impacts on housing conditions and housing inequality of Chinese urban residents. It also makes suggestions for developing and improving the housing provident fund system.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(5): 234-256.
    This study investigates the impact of the basic pension security system on the subjective class identification of laborers from the institutionalism theory perspective. The study finds that (1)The basic pension security system has a positive promoting effect on the subjective class identification of laborers; (2)The basic pension security system has a“bottom promoting”effect on the subjective class identification of the laborers in a relatively disadvantaged position; (3)The subjective social stratification effect of the basic pension security system works through reducing laborers’sense of relative deprivation. This study reveals the subjective social stratification effect and latent function of the basic pension security system, and at the same time proves the explanatory power of the institutionalism theory on subjective social stratification.

  • XU Mingqiang
    社会学评论. 2024, 12(3): 190-211.
    Based on the theoretical constructive process tracking research method, this paper, through the process-mechanism analysis of thefive beautiful courtyardsproject of the Women Federation of Lin County, answers the paradox ofhow can the vulnerable county departments promote the key workat the empirical level.The study found two core mechanisms for county vulnerable departments to promote key work. Firstly, vulnerable departments should grasp the policy implementation window generated by the policy coupling of theTuai/Kuaiat the right time, so that their key work can get the best timing. Secondly, vulnerable departments can expand their power and enhance their capabilities in specific periods and specific
    task areas through various organizational strategies. The implementation window and the expansion of power and capacity are two preconditions for the vulnerable departments of the county to promote the key work, and the
    opportunity-strategymodel constructed on this basis also provides new possibilities for policy implementation research.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(4): 108-126.
    Due to the specificity of the time window for the formation of basketball skills and the institutional arrangement of the whole national system, professional basketball players usually enter sports training schools to acquire sports skills during their adolescence. The“triply-centralized”training system implies a high degree of overlap between living space and training space. Long-term, repetitive basketball training and high-intensity physical confrontation promotes the formation and enhancement of the basketball skills of professional basketball players, brings them into a stable and highly competitive level and formats basketball skills with personal style. The individual identity, group identity and national identity of professional basketball players are constructed during their formation of basketball skills. This process not only promotes the recovery of the basketball players’physical function,stimulates the individual and collective confrontation ability, but also significantly impacts the improvement of the individual basketball skills and the achievement of the team’s basketball performance, leading to the spiral enhancement of the skill formation and identity construction for professional basketball players.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(4): 193-214.
     Combined with the analysis of contract governance from sociology and economics, this paper constructs a theoretical framework of multiple contracts and uses it to interpret the institutional logic of capital going to the countryside. The research demonstrates that the stable development of returning countryside capital has gone through the exploratory stage of“adaptation-trans⁃formation.”In the initial stage of entering the countryside, the returning capital is faced with the problem of adaptability brought about by the instability of the internal and external environment, and there is an obvious tension between market contracts and multiple social contracts. Through the acquisition and integration of economic, political, and social capital, the returning countryside capital can“transform”the governance framework of composite contracts. That is, to expand the scope of influence of multiple social contracts and further introduce market-based contracts, to promote the matching and integration of the two types of contracts within a specific“space-time”range, and to clarify and simplify the vague and complex interaction between them and multiple subjects, to provide a guarantee for large-scale operational development.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(5): 136-159.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(6): 5-15.
    Theoretical self-consciousness is the core academic pursuit of Dr. Zheng Hangsheng, which presents his eager expectation for Chinese sociology construction and serves as the purpose of Sociological Review of China. Theoretical self-consciousness requires not only in-depth reflection on Chinese and foreign sociological theories but also effective theoretical support for the empirical study. With the latest trends of rapidly and largely becoming networking and digitization of social lives, network representation has become an essential part of network practice and network experiences. We should theoretically analyze and review the network representation and achieve a precise and broad representation self-consciousness.

  • SHE Xueqiong LONG Denggao WANG Liping
    社会学评论. 2024, 12(3): 167-189.
    This paper employs organizational field theory to examine two largescale water conflicts that occurred between Sangyuanwei and its neighboring polder embankment systems during the Qing Dynasty. The Chinese concept ofGong
    serves as the fields dominant institutional logic and provides a foundation of legitimacy for both conflicting parties and government officials to articulate their discourse and action strategies. From the dual aspects of Gong, the action principle
    impartiality and fairnessand the criteria for action evaluation ofconsidering the big pictureandbenefits and interests equalizationare derived.The big picturetypically pertains to the states or the majoritys interests, whileequalizationrequires ensuring that all relevant local groups benefit. The consistency or divergence between them in specific contexts shapes the different paths of these two disputes. This study not only contributes to hydraulic social history but also offers
    new insights into how institutional logic impacts institutional complexity and field dynamics.

  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(6): 116-137.
    This article aims to examine the influence of elite networks on the formation of subjective social status within the generational models. Drawing on data from the 2018 Chinese Private Enterprises Survey, the statistical results highlight
    the gap between theoretical explanation and empirical evidence. This article employs agent-based modeling(ABM). The ABM reveals that the disregard for elite connections during interactions significantly reduces the status recognition of private business owners and intensifies the polarization of their status identification, leading to a divergence between perceived status and objective economic position. Only when these owners maintain relatively high instrumental rationality does it have some mitigating effect. These findings highlight the interaction effect of social networks, contribute to the social network theory, and have important implications for understanding the subjective social status of private enterprises in contemporary China.
  • BU Lianxiu WANG Yijie
    社会学评论. 2024, 12(5): 26-48.
    The study examines local governments’cultural competition, focusing on strategies and motivation to capture, integrate, and maintain attention. It finds that through“government-enterprise alliances”for external packaging and “government-citizen collaboration”for internal management, local governments continuously capture attention from higher authorities and society. This attention is coordinated and redistributed to sustain a competitive cultural edge. The dual attention management of the local governments yields multiple benefits, forming a “cultural creation-attention acquisition-multiple benefits”model. This study enhances the understanding of local government cultural competition and broadens the scope of tournament theory.
  • 社会学评论. 2024, 12(6): 16-39.
    The course of theoretical construction of Chinese modernization explored by Chinese sociologists represented by Zheng Hangsheng not only means a gradual process in which Chinese sociology is integrating itself into the global intellectual
    community as well as making dialogues with it but also a process that Chinese sociology constructively reflects and criticizes Western theories, thus continuously strengthening theoretical consciousness and constructing an autonomous intellectual system of the sociology with Chinese characteristics. The fundamental approach of Zheng’s intellectual thoughts is based on two aspects: constructing of sociological theories with Chinese characteristics as his key concern and illuminating the modernization of China and the world through the lens of social transformation. Zheng’s intellectual thoughts crystallize the integration of Marxist dialectical materialism and historical materialism with the inclusive way of thinking about Chinese civilization. His crucial contributions to modernization theory mainly lie in the following aspects: breaking through the Western centrism myth of modernization theory, criticizing the premise assumptions and dualism thinking embedded within the Western modernization theory, replacing the teleological transition path with the transformation theory, and distilling specialized empirical theories into general ones.The diversities of modernization practices and social transformations in new emerging countries pose a fundamental challenge to Western modernization theory,which is also the crucial prerequisite for realizing the paradigm shift of modernization theory and promoting the theoretical construction of Chinese modernization.